Monday, August 9, 2021

3D Imaging and Modeling WS2023

300416 UE Imaging and Modeling Using MicroCT (formerly PP)  [Winter Semester only]
300530 UE  Imaging and visualization in developmental biology - Principles and applications, including 3D Methods [Summer Semester only] 

Course Moodle page:  

First class meeting is Thurs. 5 Oct 2023 at 11:30 in Meeting Room 5.121, UBB, Djerassiplatz 1, Ebene 1 1.012. The first meeting will be in person. Some class meetings may be held online through Moodle. If you are not registered for the course, you may attend the first class meeting, and if there is still space I can add you. 

Contact me if you have questions! (email is best)
Dr. Brian Metscher
Senior Scientist
Dept. of Evolutionary Biology
Tel. 1 4277 56704

Assistant: Mag. Nina Kraus, 

Topics will include optical and other modalities of microscopic visualization, digital imaging, and 3D methods and analysis, with particular emphasis on x-ray microtomography (microCT) and a variety of applications.

Additional topics may be covered according to students' interests.  In the first few weeks we will plan the projects. After that students will continue with their project work on their own schedules. The course schedule is not blocked.

At the end of the semester each student or group will give a short presentation of their project to the class (possibly online).
Evaluation is based on participation (30%), project content and presentation (30%), and final report (40%).

If you are enrolled but cannot attend the first class, you must send me an email about this before the first class. Include your registered name and Matrikelnr.